Hippo Mock fighting!

Hippo Mock fighting!

One thing about the bush, there is a lot of testosterone going around. These young adult hippos are…

The baboon Hilton!

The baboon Hilton!

While you explore Africa there is one animal that you will find at once endearing and ever present.…

Botshelo at the waterhole

Botshelo at the waterhole

It was early morning in the deep winter and the sun was late rising. We had just entered…

Caracal on the dunes

Caracal on the dunes

The caracal in the Kgalagadi dunes It was the dead hours in the Kgalagadi, sun shining high in…

The fast and the hungry

The fast and the hungry

The cheetah family at breakfast. Cheetahs are the fastest land animal and they depend entirely on their speed…



Sunlit doves in the Kgalagadi When the sun’s rays are at a low angle in the Kgalagadi and…

The eland herd escapes the lions.

The eland herd escapes the lions.

One hot Kgalagadi morning we saw an amazing sight. A large eland herd was walking along the Auob…

win some lose some

win some lose some

The huntress and the Go-away bird. One bright winter morning in Kruger we driving along the Sabie river…

gemsbok baby

gemsbok baby

Babies in the bushLarge plains antelope are found in a whole range of colours, from sable antelope which…

The 3 stooges of the Kgalagadi

The 3 stooges of the Kgalagadi

The badger, the jackal and the goshawk. As the saying goes, ‘there are those who are willing to…

Hot as hell

Hot as hell

Life and death in the Kgalagadi. The Kgalagadi is hot as hell! In the arid belt in the…

The leopard who would not share

The leopard who would not share

We came upon an amazing sight in the Kruger one day. A large group of cars were all…

The kopjie climbers.

The kopjie climbers.

When you explore Africa you come across some amazing creatures thatdon’t really get enough press. Klipspringers are one…

Can’t get in!

Can’t get in!

The lappet vultures aren’t here and we can’t get in! Explore African wildlife and check out the vultures.…

The Nsemani Lions

The Nsemani Lions

Deep in the heart of Kruger is a beautiful waterhole called the Nsemani dam. The dam abuts the…

Rhino… under the car.

Rhino… under the car.

We see a lot of rhino where I am exploring Africa and its really great to have that…

The askari bully at the waterhole

The askari bully at the waterhole

The askaris get a talking to! Young bull elephants go for 20 years under the care and companionship…

The bird barbers of the bush!

The bird barbers of the bush!

Believe it or not there are birds who run a mobile cleaning and grooming service for animals in…

The hippo Uber Service.

The hippo Uber Service.

There are about 60 odd hippos in the Sunset lake in the Kruger Park. It also has a…