The silent predator no one sees!

We had an amazing experience one day in Kruger. We were heading to the dam to do some birding and its kinda out of the way a little. So we were a little surprised to see a few cars parked by the road about 800m before the lake. Wondering what was happening when we could […]
The wild dogs at Nsemani.

We were parked next to the Nsemani waterhole in Kruger and hoping for some actionall of a sudden a wild dog ran across the road ahead. Now they are not usually alone and we waited for a minute and saw about 25 wild dogs cross the road and head for the waterhole. We had just […]
The little lost fella.

We came across a rare sight one day on our game drive in the Kruger park. There was a lion cub all alone sniffing around beside the road. We had just seen the pride a few km away and we wondered about this little guy. He was about 10 months old, walking around and sniffing […]
The UGLY 5!

Everyone comes to Africa for the Big 5. Who are the Big 5 and how did they come to be?? This is not readily known to people outside the guiding community in Africa. So back in the day in 1909, Teddy Roosevelt came to Africa, in the pell mell of Colonisation and the looting of […]
A leopard adventure.

I have written before on my fascination with leopards since a young age and that story was told in a different place. My sightings of leopards have been many in Kruger yet they have all been memorable just the same. It is not often that I get to use a camera effectively while juggling talking […]
One angry female cheetah!

One afternoon in the Kgalagadi driving down the Nossob road just past Grootbardskolk we saw a cheetah approaching the road from the west. Barely 50 yards ahead of us she kept looking back and walked rather angrily it seemed. When we came up to her, I got a couple of photos and sure, she was […]
The three stooges of the Kgalagadi.

In all my times in the Kgalagadi, there are 3 players that always stand out and always get my attention. The pale chanting goshawk, the ubiquitous jackal and the star of the show, the honey badger. I have taken to calling them the 3 stooges of the Kgalagadi. these inseparables, or so it seems, are […]
Exotic grub – literally!

We drove up to Thoyoyandu in north Limpopo the area where the Venda people live. Always wanted to see the sight in the northern part of Kruger. This place is beautiful, rustic and full of fruit orchards. The best avocados come from here and the citrus farms are loaded with fruit. So cheap that you […]
One hot day at the waterhole.

We were in the Kruger Park heading for Satara camp from Tshokwane after a quick breakfast when we noticed a herd of elephants heading north as well and slowed to keep pace with them. They were looking like they might cross over and head for the waterhole just ahead so we took up position facing […]
Waterhole wary!

We were driving along one afternoon in the Kgalagadi and came up on an ostrich right there on the road. It was pretty obvious what she wanted to do and he attitude and posture shows it clearly. The other animals had cleared off and now there was space for an ostrich to drink at the […]