Africa is always full of surprises and this is surely one of them? Did you know that 4-5 different penguin species are seen here at different times and there is a penguin tht is actually called the African Penguin? No? Well there is the surprise. Cape town and surrounds have rookeries (places where penguins congregate) one of them is literally in a small town just outside Cape town and the other is in Betty’s bay a little further away. The closer place is Boulder beach, which is on the way to the Cabo de Boa Esperanza, er Cape of good Hope, well hey it was named by the Portuguese sailors right?

Anyway Boulder beach, as I was saying before the linguists caught up with me, is a rookery of the jackass penguins now called the African Penguin since some jackass wanted to change the name. They bray loudly and sound like jackasses and that was why they were given the name in the first place. A few hundred of these hang out at Boulder beach and we took the side with less tourists and less penguins and yet had a good time watching them hop around the rocks. They are small birds and live on the beach here all year around. About 60cm or so high they seem to have a permanent smile on their faces and frankly watching them so did we, The sign boards were really cute and so added them as well. Check out the blue of the sea. So beautiful