We were driving along one afternoon in the Kgalagadi and came up on an ostrich right there on the road. It was pretty obvious what she wanted to do and he attitude and posture shows it clearly. The other animals had cleared off and now there was space for an ostrich to drink at the waterhole. Kgalgadi waterholes are pretty dangerous, especially in the summer time. Lions lie in ambush in the nearby bushes and are pretty successful there. I always thought thats cheating, i mean come on, everyone needs water, so leave it alone. But its a jungle out there, whaddaya know, and its all like “I am in for me and the Devil take the hind most.” So its good she just bided her time and got a nice drink. She was eyeballing me all the while though.

Female ostrich on a dirt road
female ostrich looking at the camera and drinking
female ostrich looking at the camera and drinking

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